Top 4 Tips for Optimum Piano Care and Maintenance

Pianos can be a beautiful addition to any home. Unlike other pieces of furniture, however, they are very fragile, and may be affected by their surroundings in drastic ways. Below you will find four tips to help you keep your piano in great condition almost indefinitely.
1. Leave the Key Lid Open Occasionally
It is a good habit to close the key lid whenever you are done using the piano. However, it is beneficial to leave the lid open from time to time. Dust and other airborne particles may build up over time. When this happens, it can leave a sticky mess between your piano keys, which can cause issues with the mobility of the keys. However, if you keep the lid down too long, mold can grow inside the piano.
A couple of times during each week, keep the key lid up during daylight hours. Decent air circulation and indirect sunlight will discourage the growth of mold inside the piano
Using a vacuum-cleaner attachment to gently clean the keys will help against dust build-up.
2. No Liquid near the Piano
Liquid that seeps between the keys of a piano can reach the interior and cause major damage. Any liquid on the exterior can also cause damage to the finish.
If liquid does get onto your keys, quickly wipe up any excess liquid from the surface of the keys. Be as careful as you can, to avoid pressing any of the keys as you dry to prevent any excess dripping.
In the event that liquid does get between your keys, make sure to contact a registered piano technician as soon as you can. Do not try to fix the mess yourself.
3. Keep a Consistent Humidity Level
Pianos are affected greatly by humidity. High humidity levels will cause the wood to swell and warp, while lower humidity can cause cracks. Pianos are very intricately put together. Changes in the wood can have adverse effects on the tone of a piano.
40 percent humidity is the ideal level for pianos. Monitor the humidity level in your house. If possible, keep a humidifier or a dehumidifier close to your piano.
Keep your piano away from windows or heater vents. If your piano room is close to the kitchen or bathroom, make sure to keep the door closed.
4. Regulate your Piano Room's Climate
Like humidity, temperature can have an unwanted impact upon your piano. Cold may cause the fragile wooden components of the piano to snap, and heat can have a negative impact on the strings. Keeping your piano room at 21-22°C is considered the ideal temperature.
It is best to keep your piano away from exterior walls. If this is unavoidable, two feet away is as close as you should get.
Use an air conditioner or heater to keep the temperature of the room consistent, but keep the piano away from these machines.
If you follow these tips, you will extend the life of your piano greatly. You will also save time and money by not having to call for expensive repairmen. Keeping your piano in good condition is not an easy task, but doing so will help keep your piano playing for years and years.
Prestige Pianos & Organs is Melbourne's Oldest YAMAHA Piano Dealer and is the home of fine musical instruments, providing musical solutions since 1973.
At Prestige Pianos & Organs we specialise in providing a wide selection of new and used instruments. Whether you're looking for an acoustic grand piano to enhance your home or a keyboard for performances with a band we have a product that will fit your needs.